This page shows a wide field photograph of the city lights of Perth, with the sequence of the changing lunar eclipse as the moon rose over the city.
I was determined to get some good photographs of this lunar eclipse, after my previous opportunity in August 2007 was clouded out. So, leading up to the evening of the 26th June I spent a couple of nights driving to various locations in and around Perth exploring what would make the best photo. At each location I would take test shots and check where the moon was going to rise with a compass, then go home and plot on the images the track that the moon would take.
The decision to go with Kings Park was partly that there was good potential for a nice wide field sequence over the city of Perth, partly that other ASWA members were going to be at the park for the lunar eclipse, and partly that other upcoming lunar eclipses are in the west, where as this one is in the east making it one of the few opportunities in the short term to try a shot like this over the city.
I’m very happy with how this wide field sequence has turned out. The resulting image is about 30 megapixels which provides good range for enlargement and good detail, and the sub exposures of the moon are quite sharp, as is the city. The overall effect is not exactly as I anticipated with respect to the path that the moon took across the field of view, but it is quite a pleasing image anyhow.